PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

The influence of recurrent urinary tract infection on renal function, Urographic changes and anti-bacterial immune response - long term followup study.
Article published in Urologia Polska 1996/49/1.


Maciej Krzymański, Wojciech Suwała, Andrzej Oko, Kazimierz Rzymski
Z Kliniki Nefrologii I.Ch.W. w Poznaniu.
Kierownik Kliniki: Prof. dr hab. K. Bączyk.
Dyrektor Instytutu Prof. dr hab. S. Markiewicz.
Z Zakładu Radiologii Gastroentereologicznej.
Kierownik Zakładu Prof. dr hab. K. Rzymski.


Kidneys ? urinary tract infection ? kidneys function ? intravenous pyelography


The purpose of the study was to determine the freąuency of chronic renal failure
development in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection without or with radiologi-
cal signs of chronic pyelonephritis. Long-term followup study of minimum 10 years was
done in 37 patients. In a group of 8 cases 20 years observation was completed. Twenty
one cases were with non-obstructive urinary tract infection, and in sixteen patients ob-
struction was defined.
At the end of observation period it was found that chronic renal failure developed in
two patients only. This were cases with urinary tract obstruction. In other patients renal
function was within normal limits, although, obstruction in urinary tract, slow progres-
sion of Urographic changes and recurrent infections were observed. Immunization with
bacterial antigens from the urinary tract was detected especially in cases with advanced
Urographic signes of chronic pyelonephritis and was without direct relation to the course
of the disease.


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