PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1995/48/3.


Janusz Tyloch, Ferdynand Tyloch, Mieczysław Gajda, Zdzisław Boroń
Z Katedry i Kliniki Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Bydgoszczy
p. o. Kierownik Kliniki : dr n. med. F. Tyloch
Z Katedry i Zakładu Radiologii i Diagnostyki Narządowej A.M.B.
Kierownik: Prof. zw. dr hab. med. Z. Boroń


We present our eight-year experience in the therapy of the retroperitoneal space ahscesses by
drainage done under USG control. From August 1985 to December 1993, in the Urological De-
partment, Medical Academy in Bydgoszcz, 13 perinephric abscesses received such therapy. We fo-
und, that the abscess puncture and the drainage put on under USG control, Comparing with the
traditional therapy provide a simpler, less traumatic and similiarly effective method. This method
which does not need a general anaesthesia, can be used in patients in bad general condition. Thus,
further diagnostic procedures are easier due to elimination of sepsis. The perinephric abscess therapy
by Percutaneous drainage done under USG control is, according to many authors and also in our
oppinion, the way of therapy which is worth reccomendation.


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