PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Incidence rate of prostate cancer in the Ma³opolska Province in 1999-2001
Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/3.


Jadwiga Rachtan, Andrzej Soko³owski, Ma³gorzata Geleta, £ucja Molong
Pracownia Epidemiologii Centrum Onkologii, Instytut im. M. Sk³odowskiej-Curie Oddzia³ w Krakowie
Kierownik pracowni: dr hab. Jadwiga Rachtan


prostate, prostate cancer, incidence rate


The aim of the study.
Assessment of prostate cancer incidence in the Ma³opolska Province with reference to respective counties, in the years 1999-2001.
Material and methods.
Cancer reporting cards sent to the Ma³opolska Cancer Registry were the source of information. Average annual incidence as well as crude and standardised incidence rates per 100 000 of the population studied were calculated.
In the Ma³opolska Province, in the years 1999-2001, an average of 436 new prostate cancer cases were registered each year. These cancers constituted about 8.2% of all registered cancers in males. The percentage of diagnoses confirmed by histological examination was about 54.1%.
The results of the study point to differentiation in prostate cancer incidence within the Ma³opolska Province area. The geographical analysis shows that the risk relating to this cancer is the highest among male residents of Nowy S±cz and Nowy S±cz County, and the O¶wiêcim County. The incidence rates in these regions exceed the average incidence of prostate cancer in Poland by 68.0% and the average Ma³opolska Province incidence by 49.0%.


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Jadwiga Rachtan
Pracownia Epidemiologii Centrum Onkologii
ul. Garncarska 11
31-115 Kraków
tel. (012) 429 37 53, fax (012) 426 13 70