PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1984/37/3.


Jerzy Atler, Andrzej Ziemiański
Z Kliniki Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Poznaniu Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr med. J. Strzyżewski


The reported inves;tigatio:ns were caried out in 41 patients after adenomectomy aged from 57 to 82 years who had increasing difficulties in voiding urine, polla-kiuria and urinary incontinence. In all cases infusion uretrocystagraphy was done, taking radiograms at the time of contrast medium infusion through Foley's catheter. The most fre±uent cause of miction disturbances was urethral stenosis. In patients with urinary incontinence and pollakiuria uretrocystagraphy also made possible demonstration of the morphological cause of these disturbances.


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