PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1986/39/3.


Andrzej Radkowski, Jan Skołyszewski
Z Kliniki Radioterapii Centrum Onkologii, Oddział w Krakowie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. J. Skołyszewski
Dyrektor Centrum, Oddział w Krakowie:
prof. dr hab. med. J. Skołyszewski


The results of radical telegammatherapy are reported in a pilot group of 22 prostatic carcinoma cases treated in the years 1978?1981. Three-year survival without recurrence was obtained in 36.4°/o of patients with locally advanced tumour. The tolerance of this therapy was good. Radical radiotherapy is an effective method in the treatment of cases of advanced locally and regionally tumour.


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