PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Exceptional case of self-injury of male external genital organs
Article published in Urologia Polska 2004/57/1.


Piotr Chłosta 1, Piotr Knast 2, Andrzej Borówka 3
1 Oddział Urologii Szpitala Specjalistycznego EMC we Wrocławiu
Ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Piotr Chłosta, FEBU
2 Oddział Chirurgii Plastycznej i Rekonstrukcyjnej Okręgowego Szpitala Kolejowego we Wrocławiu
Ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Tadeus


transsexuality, external genital organs, self injury


Qualification „transsexuality M/W” marks that biological man's sex is accompanied by psychical identification with female's sex and typical for this last choice, object of sexual interest. It is permanent and steps out as a rule from the beginning of psychosexual development.
Exceptional case of self-injury of external genital organs in transsexual man was presented.
material and method
46 years old, transsexual man, after experiencing legal difficulties with procedure of sex changing, attempted self-castration at the area of urology outpatient clinic. Injures were cutting type wounds, given by guillotine and embraced left side penile and scrotal skin, left testicular and epididymis parenchyma, urethra and left corpus cavernosum. Considering registered man's sex, repair operation was performed.
Postoperative course was not complicated. Penile, testis and scrotal necrosis was not observed. 30 days after the operation urethral outflow was preserved.
Immediate operation creates possibility of reconstructing serious penile damages. However, initiated proceeding in presented case was not a solution of principle transsexual man's problem.


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Piotr Chłosta
ul. Sezamkowa 5
52-327 Wroclaw
teUfax: (0... 71)79 34 626