Urologia Polska 1991/44/2
- Cachexia in malignant neoplasms
Antonina Marczyńska
- Ureteral orifices in the bladder of human
Danuta Gościcka, Elżbieta Krakowiak
- Comparison of the effectiveness of sy
stemic treatment with cyclophosphamide and BCG sec Berna administe
red intravesically for prevention of recurrences of primary superficial
bladder tumours
Andrzej Stokłosa, Jan Antczak, Andrzej W. Malewski, Jacek Rykowski, Ewa Koźmińska, Jan Szymanowski
- Hospital infections in
the Department of Urology. Medical Academy in Łódź in the years
Włodzimierz Kuligowski, Kamil Burzyński, Leszek Jeromin
- A trial of functional and
morphological assessment of kidneys in patients subjected previously to
extraconporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
Wojciech Szewczyk, Andrzej Nowak, Grzegorz Szkodny
- Localization and blockade of the obturator
nearve using Tracer NL-1
Janusz Makiełło, Andrzej Prajsner
- Transurethral electroprostatotomy
Stefan Wesołowski, Sławomir Zuchora, Mieczysław Węglewicz, Franciszek Zmysłowski
- Extracorporeal shock-wiave lithotripsy
in adults
Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Noga, Wojciech Szewczyk, Andrzej Szedel, Grzegorz Szkodny, Krzysztof Sacha, Maciej Flak, Adam Szkodny
- Percutaneous nephrostomy in
Tomasz Ferenz, Andrzej Borówka, Jerzy Milewski
- Treatment of
coral pelvic calculi in children by the ESWL method
Mieczysław Ołpiński, Andrzej Borówka, Tadeusz Krzeski, Janusz Judycki
- Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy in childre
Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Noga, Andrzej Szedel, Wojciech Szewczyk, Grzegorz Szkodny, Krzysztof Sacha, Maciej Flak
- Urethral duplication in a boy aged eight years
Wojciech Pypno, Wojciech Ejchman, Tomasz P. Kowalski
- In memoriam. Prof. dr med. Jean Cibert (1900—1988)
Stefan Wesołowski
- Report on a training stay at the Urology Department of the Catholic University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Tomasz Demkow
- Report on the 42nd Congress of the German Urological Society, Hamburg Sept. 26—29 1990
Mirosław Kazoń, Bolesław Kuzaka
- Report on a training stay at the Urology Department of the University in Rennes, France
Kazimierz Krajka
- Dr Zenon Kolodziejczyk
Jan Krakowski
- The Use of Transrectal Thin- Needle Biopsy for the Assessment of Morphological Changes in the Prostate in Patients f!eceiving Hormonal Treatment for Prostatic \'Hypertrophy (Urol. Pol. 1989, 42, 3)
Tadeusz Krzeski
- Response to the letter of T. Krzeski
Eugeniusz Malczyk