Urologia Polska 1978/31/4
- Professor Emil Michałowski MD - Obituary
Jan Leńko, Marek Gałka
- Calcium lithiasis in the urinary tract and its connection with metabolic disorders- Part I
Jerzy Zieliński, Jerzy Pietrek
- Evalutation of fertility and ketosteroids excretion after surgical treatment of bilateral cryptorchidism
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Władysław Panicz, Józef Grabski
- Infection of urogenity tract with aerobic bacterial flora in the course of urological treatment
Kazimierz Adamkiewicz, Wojciech Ahn, Alfred Samet
- Renal deficiency caused by urological factors
Zygmunt Jasiński, Stanisław Banach, Zbigniew Wolski, Anna Skrzycka, Julian Witorzeńć
- Results of treatment of adenoma prostatae with tadenan
Andrzej Borówka, Tadeusz Krzeski, Witold Klimowicz
- Surgical access to the kidney by partial excision of XI rib
Jarowit Stolarczyk
- Case of removal of right kidney neoplasm with paer of inferior vena cava wall with neoplastic pług growing into its limen
Andrzej Musierowicz, Andrzej Matejczuk, Mikołaj Chilimoniuk
- Extrarenal calyces as a cause of nephrolithiasis and hydronephrosis
Eugeniusz Miękoś, Wieńczysław Monita
- Sucking drainage in urological operations
Józef Kroll, Janusz Aniszczenko
- Some remarks on prostatectomy with the use teniporary Juvar's hemostatic suture
Mirosław Kazoń
- Asymptomatic renal tumors accidentally diagnosed in 2 patients
Alojzy Witeska, Andrzej Borówka
- Foreign body in peritoneal cavity as the cause of erroneous diagnosis of urinary bladder myoma
Władysław Lejawka