Urologia Polska 2001/54/3
- Histopathology of the renol cell carcinoma
Marian Sulik
- BCG immunotherapy in superficial bladder cancer
Anna Kołodziej, Janusz Dembowski
- Value of postoperative radiotherapy for patients with stage Ha and lib seminoma
Wojciech Majewski, Adam Maciejewski, Stanisław Majewski
- Complications accompanying the intravesical instillation of Adriblastyne in the treatment of the superficial bladder cancer
Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Waldemar Lasota, Adam Szkodny
- Early bleeding after transurethral prostate resection - analysis of reason
Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Adam Szkodny
- Adjuvant postoperative inguinal nodes irradiation in patients with penis cancer
Piotr Pęczkowski, Małgorzata Pilichowska
- Early assessment of the chemotherapy according to BMC regimen (bleomycin, metotrexate, cisplatin) of the advanced penile carcinoma
Tomasz Kalinowski, Beata Paluchowska, Tomasz Demkow
- Treatment of the injuries of the scrotum
Czesław Pawlak, Eugeniusz Miękoś, Maciej Gruszczyński, Janusz Kuśnierz
- Laparoscopic retroperitoneal ilio-obturatory Surgical approach was obtained with Gaur\'s baloon. Technic, results, complications
Piotr Marczyński, Paweł Wiechno, Beata Paluchowska, Tomasz Wiśniewski, Artur Sieczych
- A method of prostate microangiography
Marcin Słojewski, Jakub Pilarczyk, Florian Czerwiński, Andrzej Sikorski
- Clinical assessment of „Fitoprost\" - an extract of the plant Serenoa repens - in the treatment
of early stages of benign prostatic hiperplasia
Tadeusz Niezgoda, Zenona Jabłońska, Jarosław Kasprzak, Tomasz Szydełko, Janusz Dembowski, Jerzy Lorenz
- An alien body in the urinary bladder - a complication after laparoscopic Burch colposuspension
Paweł Szalecki, Tomasz Borkowski
- Severe complication afte external beam radiotherapy case report
Piotr Marczyński, Piotr Pęczkowski, Artur Sieczych, Tomasz Kalinowski
- Preaeputial Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus - Report of Three Cases
Wojciech Ejchman, Tomasz Wasyłyszyn
- The rare case of the enormous stone in post-operative vesico-vaginal fistula
Krzysztof Bar, Adam Szkodny, Robert Klijer, Marek Urban
- The literature review of a surgery - urology
Andrzej Borkowski, Tomasz Borkowski
- Report on the 12lh Annual Meeting of European Society for Paediatric Urology (ESPU) and the 3\"\' International Children\'s Society (ICSC) Congres
Jerzy Czyż, Jan Karol Wolski, Czesław Szymkiewicz
- Report on the scientific training - the usefullness of holm laser in urology
Jan Kawecki, Michał Tkocz
- Report on the X Winter Urological Forum, Davos, 2001
Marek Wyczółkowski