Urologia Polska 1983/36/1
Jerzy Zieliński
Experimental and clinical works
- Experiimental studies on the effect of 3.7% formalin on the pelvis, calyces and kidney of the rabbit
Jerzy Piaszczyński, Ryszard Cieslik, Tadeusz Krzeski
- Ureteral changes in rabbits caused by 3.7% formalin introduced into the bladder
Jerzy Piaszczyński, Tadeusz Krzeski, Ryszard Cieslik
- Anatomical basis of operations on double kidneys
Maciej Augustyn
- Rubinex effect on alkaline phosphatase activity in rat kidney
Irmina Elżbieta Wiśniewska, Zbigniew Gawlik, Anna Ratajska
- Computer tomogsraphy in evaluation of single or unilateral urographically inactive kidney
Kazimierz Rzymski, Jacek Szpytko, Maciej Krzymański
- Usefulness of isotope renography in the evaluation of the effect of ureter implantation into the blader
Leonard Teneta
- Evaluation of the hynes-anderson operation for hydronephros in comparison with other surgical methods
Andrzej Nowak
- Comparative evaluation of histological and cytological examinations in the diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma
Karol Stąpor, Jadwiga Kużnicka, Andrzej Eichelkraut, Leszek Jeromin, Andrzej Prelich, Jerzy Wiśniewski, Jacek Sosnowski, Zbigniew Janiak
- Diagnostic difficulties in urate nephrolithiasis with anuria as the presenting sign
Jerzy Zieliński, Jerzy Czopik
- Results treatment of uretheral stricture by internal urethrotomy
Adam Szkodny, Jan Myrta
Experimental and clinical works
- Experimental studies on prostaglandin effect on the myoelectric activity of the ureters
Piotr Thor, Maciej Augustyn
Case reports
- A case of calcified foreign body in the bladder complicating normal labour
Andrzej Prajsner, Krzysztof Bar
- A case of renal arteriovenous fistula treated by the method of selective embolization
Marian Klamut, Janusz Darewicz, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska, Barbara Karasewicz
- Anaphylactic shock as a complication of ureteropyelography
Krzysztof Rogowski, Barbara Karasewicz, Eugeniusz Malczyk
- A case of gunshot wound of the bladder, small intestine . and internal iliac vein
Ryszard Cieślik, Jerzy Piaszczyński, Lech Cerkownik