Urologia Polska 1993/46/4
- E.S.W.L. Monotherapy for staghorn calculi
under double J stent Protection
Tomasz Demkow, Philip Clark, Patrick Meffan, Andrzej Borkowski
- Evaluation of Resistance
Renal Stones for disintegrating by Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Treatment
depending in their density in radiological examination
Wojciech Szewczyk, Andrzej Szedel, Grzegorz Szkodny, Krzysztof Łukojć, Adam Szkodny
- Urolume, in treatment of the recidiyal urethral
Andrzej Zbigniew Buczyński
- Transurethral Laser Coagulation of prostate
Wojciech Pypno, Wojciech Husiatyński, Mirosław Kazoń
- Transurethral incision of the posterior urethral valve with sickle
Andrzej Jankowski, Jarosław Więckowski
- Results of treatment of ureterocoele in adults
Krzysztof Łukojć, Krzysztof Bar, Wojciech Szewczyk
- Meteses as the symptom of the testicle carcinoma
Jerzy Świerż, Bronisław Stawarz, Andrzej Gomuła
- Zofran in nausea and vomiting prevention caused by Cytostatic drugs in
patients with carcinoma of the testicle and urinary bladder
Jerzy Świerż, Bronisław Stawarz
- Carcinoma
of penis — carcinoma planoepitheliale typus bowenoides invasium and its connection with
inflamation with human papilloma virus
Alojzy Witeska, Leszek Walczak, Sławomir Dutkiewicz, Jarosław Wejman, Tomasz Rogoziński, Andrzej Jarski
- Numerous anomalies of the single urinary system, one-stage operation
Tadeusz Bokwa, Zygmunt H. Kaliciński
- Pregnancy and delivery after uretero — colicostomy due to bladder exstrophy
Stefan Wesołowski
- Real Tumour Coexisting with adrenal neoplasm
Marcin Słojewski, Stanisława Spoz, Andrzej Domański
- Modyfications and improvements in Percutaneous
nephrolithotripsy — PCNL
Krzysztof Bar, Adam Szkodny, Andrzej Noga, Andrzej Prajsner
- Urinary Bladder Leiomyoma
Jerzy Swierż, Jacek Ogrodnik, Bronisław Stawarz
- Rare coincidence of real cell carcinoma with pheochromocytoma
Lech Balt, Ryszard Karakiewicz
- Complications and results in Stockhorn nephroli-
thiasis treatment with ESWL and PPL — 9000 aparat of Dornier
Kamil Burzyński, Wojciech Dutkiewicz, Leszek Jeromin