Urologia Polska 1992/45/4
- Renal tuberculosis; elernents of diagnosis and treatment
Ludwik Jerzy Mazurek
- Assessment of the results of tests for Chlamydia
trachomatis in urethal smears of pathients with Prostatitis
Irena Choroszy-Król, Janina Ruczkowska
- Accesory procedures in the treatment of urolithiasis with ESWL
Henryk Lesiewicz, Eugeniusz Miękoś, Waldemar Różański, Czesław Pawlak, Marek Pisarski, Antoni Majek, Cezary Zydek
- Preoperative systemic chemoptherapy CMV
(cisplatin, methotrexate, vinblastin) in infiltrating cancer of the urinary bladder
Andrzej Stokłosa, Jan Szymanowski, Ewa Koźmińska
- The simultaneous transuretheral resection
of vesical neoplasm and prostatic hyperplasia
Tadeusz Zajączkowski, Herbert Kirschall, Winfried Straube
- Schistosomiasis of the urinary bladder
Tadeusz Zajączkowski, Andreas Paul Zamann, Anton Michael Zamann, Winfried Straube, Werner Schlake
- Procreation risk in women operated in childhood for vesicoureteral reflux
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Paradysz, Zofia Krauze-Balwińska, Jacek Huk
- The course of arteries in the urinary bladder wall tunicae
Florian Czerwiński, Konrad Pilarczyk, Wojciech Kozik
- Ditropan (oxybutynine chloride) in the
treatment of distability of the urinary bladder
Andrzej Prajsner, Michał Tkocz, Wiesław Duda, Adam Szkodny
- Chlamydia Trachomatis in cystitis
Irena Choroszy-Król, Janina Ruczkowska
- Results of extracorporeal
erushing of caliceal stones with ESWL
Krzysztof Łukojć, Wojciech Szewczyk, Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Nowak, Adam Szkodny
- Mepartricin (Ipertrofan)
in the treatment of BPH patients
Andrzej Prajsner, Adam Szkodny, Wiesław Duda, Andrzej Szurkowski, Michał Tkocz
- A case of priapism in the course of erysipelas of the
Krzysztof Łukojć, Andrzej Prajsner, Wojciech Szewczyk
- Ureter located behind the
inferior caval vein
Mirosław Bogacki, Wojciech Krawczyński, Marek Sauczek, Julian Strzelczuk
- Periappendicular infiltration in the course of the appendicular carcinoid imitating tumour of the urinary bladder
Kazimierz Krajka, Arkadiusz Mikszewicz, Lech Stachurski
- Pathologic fracture of the first symptom of clear cell carcinoma of the kidney
Krzysztof Partyka, Bogusław Wojciechowski, Krystyn Sosada
- Pseudo aplasia of abdominal muscules: diagnosis and treatment
Jacek Krasnopolski
- Additional blindly ended
ureter with concomitant vesicoureteral reflux to all ureters
Mirosław Bogacki, Wojciech Krawczyński, Marek Sauczek, Julian Strzelczuk
- Renal acnnomycosis
Elżbieta Miron, Izabela Tołwińska, Andrzej Roszkiewicz, Wojciech Gacyk, Dariusz Zadrożny
- Symposium „Recent achievements in prostate cancer studies\" Rotterdam, 08.11. 1991
Krzysztof Szkarłat
- Symposium „Prostatic cancer — new concepts and controversies\"
Cracow, 09-10 April 1992
Jan Leńko, Antonina Marczyńska