Analysis of non-malignant pathological changes discovered during urinary bladder mucosa biopsy Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/1.
Marek Długosz 1, Krzysztof Bar 2
- 1 Oddział Urologiczny Szpitala Miejskiego w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Ordynator oddziału: lek. med. Marek Długosz
2 Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bar
urinary bladder, bladder mucosa biopsy, pathological urothelial lesions
- introduction and aim of the study
- In attempt to discover the cause of hematuria, which mainly comes down to cancer exclusion, various examinations are carried out, often including cystoscopy and biopsy. The aim of the paper is the analysis of non-malignant urinary bladder mucosa lesions discovered during biopsy.
- materials and methods
- 238 patients were subjected to analysis. In the process of hematuria diagnostics from 1998 to 2002, urinary bladder mucosa biopsies were performed and histopathological examinations did not reveal cancerous texture. The study group consisted of 32% men and 68% women. Biopsies were carried out with forceps or the TUR method.
- results
- The greatest number of the patients - over 39% - were patients with non-specific urinary bladder inflammation diagnosis. Almost 20% of the patients were diagnosed with planoepithelial metaplasia. More than 15% of the patients were diagnosed as having glandular metaplasia: glandular inflammation, cystic inflammation and von Brunn nests. Moreover, more than 5% of the patients were diagnosed as having follicular inflammation and dysplasia, almost 3% were diagnosed as having purulent and ulcerative urinary bladder mucosa inflammation. Individual cases of various rare pathologic conditions of the urinary bladder mucosa were diagnosed.
- conclusions
- The non-malignant pathological changes diagnosed most frequently during urinary bladder biopsy included: non-specific urinary bladder inflammation - 2/3 (two thirds) of the patients in this group were women, half of them were at the age of 61-70 years; and planoepithelial metaplasia - women were 76% of the patients in this group, 23% of them were at the age of 61-70 years; and glandular metaplasia - in this group of the patients there were over twice as many women as men. Histopathological diagnosis allowed to classify the patients into two groups: one requiring treatment, and the other where constant observation was necessary.
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Marek Długosz
ul. Wieniawskiego 14
27-400 Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski