Andrzej Paradysz, Marcin Życzkowski, Andrzej Kupilas, Mieczysław Fryczkowski
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii w Zabrzu Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w Katowicach
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Fryczkowski
quality of life, hypospadias
- the purpose of the study
- The quality of life in young men who were multiply operated on (at least twice) because of hypospadias in childhoood was evaluated.
- materials and methods
- Of 221 patients operated on because of hypospadias 49 men aged >18 years were enrolled. They were subjected to several operations. 23 (46,9%) of them were eligible for the study. The penis appearance also during erection and external urethral orifice location were evaluated. Our own questionnaire was used. It allowed to evaluate the subjective appraisal of external genitalia appearance, micturition, sexual satisfaction and activity. Self-esteem was analyzed basing on Beck's scale. Uroflow was performed in all patients.
- results
- External urethral orifice was located on the tip of the penis glans in 14 patients, on the ventral surface of the glans in 6 patients (26,09%) and within corona glandis in 3 (13,04%) patients. The penis was straight during erection in 20 (86,96%) patients. In three patients (13,04%) small curvature of the penis was observed. 73,91% of patients estimated their external genitalia appearance as good. 91,3% of patients did not have any problems with micturition. Among 14 patients (60,9%) who started their sexual activity none demonstrated problems with erection or ejaculation and 85,72% of them were pleased for their present sexual efficiency. Mean TQmax was 7,91s and mean Qmax 19,43 ml/s.
- conclusions
- 1. The number of operations performed due to hypospadias in childhood is not associated with the quality of life in adulthood.
- 2. Subjective patients opinion concerning penis appearance is better than the medical opinion.
- 3. Self-esteem of patients is not deteriorated by the location of external urethral orifice on other then the tip of penis glans.
- 4. Uroflow confirmed proper micturition.
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Andrzej Paradysz
Katedra i Klinika Urologii ŚAM
ul. 3 Maja 13/15
41-800 Zabrze