Giant cavernous angioma of the scrotum and perineum
operated on after clamping of the internal iliac arteries
to control bleeding Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.
Adam Kwinta, Roman Rachtan, Tomasz Mrowiecki
- Ośrodek Diagnostyczno-Leczniczy „Chirurgia Jednego Dnia” Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego w Krakowie
Wojewódzki Oddział Chirurgii Naczyń Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego w Krakowie
scrotum cavernous angioma atypical operation
- Scrotal angiomas are extremely rare and tend to disappear in 90% of cases by the 7th year. They are usually operated on in childhood
- and for this reason they are infrequently encountered in adults. We describe a case of giant cavernous angioma of the scrotum filling
- up recurrently with blood. Because of its size and fear of hemorrhage from large caliber veins the tumor was excised surgically after
- clamping of the internal iliac arteries.
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Adam Kwinta
Szpital Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego
31-061 Kraków
ul. Trynitarska 11
tel. (012) 430 57 74