Modified fenestration of tunica vaginalis in prevention
of post-operative hydrocele in boys operated due
to varicocele Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.
Marek Krakós, Mieczysław Miodek, Jerzy Niedzielski
- Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii i Urologii Dziecięcej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 UM w Łodzi
varicocele adolescents laparoscopy reactive hydrocele tunica vaginalis fenestration
Introduction. Hydrocele is the most common complication after operative treatment of varico-cele. Its creation is an effect of disorders in balance between production and outflow of liquid within tunica vaginalis.
The aim of the study. Evaluation of efficacy of modified fenestration of tunica vaginalis in pre-vention of post-operative hydrocele in boys operated due to varicocele.
Material and methods. Medical records of 79 boys with left-sided varicocele, aged 12 to 18yrs (mean 14,7 yrs), treated in the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology in Lodz between 1997 and 2007 were analyzed. Patients were divided in two groups; Group I. – 42 boys who underwent laparoscopic varicocelectomy only, and Group II. – 37 patients who underwent varicocelectomy completed by tunica vaginalis fenestration of ipsilateral testis in authors’ modification.
Results. Seven boys (16%) of Group I. and 3 patients of Group II. developed post-operative reactive hydrocele. Its incidence in patients after vericocelectomy with tunica vaginalis fenes-tration was statistically significantly lower than in boys after standard Palomo varicocelectomy (p<0.05).
Conclusions. Ipsilateral triangle fenestration of tunica vaginalis done simultaneously with standard Palomo varicocelectomy may in authors’ opinion significantly decrease risk of post-operative hydrocele creation in adolescents with varicocele.
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Jerzy Niedzielski
Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii i Urologii Dziecięcej UM
ul. Sporna 36/50
91-738 Łódź
tel. (042) 617 77 11