The importance of estrogen receptors and the enzyme
aromatase in spermatogenesis, brain differentiation
and bone formation in men Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.
Renata Walczak-Jędrzejowska, Jolanta Słowikowska-Hilczer, Krzysztof Kula
- Zakład Andrologii, Zakład Endokrynologii Płodności, Katedra Andrologii i Endokrynologii Płodności Uniwersytetu
Medycznego w Łodzi
estradiol aromatase spermatogenesis brain bones men
- In 1988 we were first to demonstrate that estradiol (E2) is an important hormonal signal for initiation of spermatogenesis. In the
- middle 90-ties transgenic mice with the lack of genes for estrogen receptor (ER) or enzyme aromatase, that enables the conversion of
- testosterone into E2, were produced. Observations of men with inherited mutations of these genes, extended our clinical knowledge
- about the role of E2 in testicular function and also in the sexual differentiation of the brain, formation of bones’ stroma and inhibition
- of their linear growth after maturation, the effects that were attributable to testosterone action solely. E2 is traditionally recognized
- as the female sex hormone and since discovery of estrogens in early 40-ties of XX century it has been believed, that these hormones
- cause impairment of testicular function or do not exert any influence. This review revises these older assumptions.
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Krzysztof Kula
Katedra Andrologii i Endokrynologii Płodności UM
ul. dr. Sterlinga 3
91-425 Łódź
tel./fax (042) 633 07 05