PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Wilms’ tumor in adults – treatment and prognosis according to own experience
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.


Dominika Makota, Romuald Zdrojowy, Krystyna Sawicz-Birkowska, Janusz Dembowski, Michał Wróbel, Tomasz Szydełko, Anna Kołodziej, Monika Bonczyk, Bartosz Małkiewicz
Katedra i Klinika Urologii i Onkologii Urologicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu
Katedra i Klinika Chirurgii i Urologii Dziecięcej Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu


kidney Wilms’ tumour adults treatment SIOP NWTS


Wilms’ tumor, one of the most common solid tumor in childhood, occurs very rarely in adults. For a long time it was considered that by
contrast to Wilms’ tumour in children prognosis in adults is much worse. Last reports suggested that the use of therapeutic protocols
similar to those applied in children and the use of therapy according to well-defined risk groups led to improvement in outcomes in
adults. We present evolution of treatment modalities and our experience in this field.


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Dominika Makota
Klinika Urologii
ul. Borowska 213
50-556 Wrocław
tel. (071) 733 10 10 /09