Lech Lipiec, Przemysław Dudek, Jacek Adamczyk, Michał Lipowski
- Szpital Specjalistyczny im. św. Łukasza w Końskich
Introduction. In the time of minimal invasive approaches development, open prostatectomy is still present in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
Objectives. We present patient’s case with urine retention caused by giant adenoma of the prostate.
Materials and methods. 86 years old man with urine retention. We diagnosed him after catheterisation and normalization of concentration of creatinine. In TAUS, TRUS, IVP huge prostate was found – 540 ml. PSA – 77 ng/ml. We performed transvesical open prostatectomy m. Harris-Hryntschak.
Results. Operation and hospitalization were uncomplicated. Patient controlled micturition. Histopatological exam.: Hyperplasia benigna precipue glandularis et cystica prostatae. PSA decreased from 77 ng/ml to 0.9 ng/ml.
Conclusions. In case of giant prostatic hyperplasia – classical open prostatectomy is safest method of treatment. This method enables control of bleeding. Even very high concentration of PSA may be caused by BPH.