Zoledronic acid in prevention and treating prostate cancer metastases in patients
observed in Oncological Outpatients Department IInd Clinic of Urology Medical
University of Łódź Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/Supl. 1.
Waldemar Różański, Jan Bortkiewicz, Marek Lipiński
- II Klinika Urologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Introduction. 65-75% of patients (pts) with advanced prostate cancer (PC) have bone metastases. Due to bone pains, pathological fractures, osteoporosis, hypercalcuria and loss of bone mass quality of life significantly decreased. Zoledronic acid is the strongest medicament which blocked initiation of prostate cancer bone metastases
Objectives. Aim of the study is Quality of life and some blood parameters evaluation in pts with bone metastases treated with Zoledronic acid.
Materials and methods. 17 men with bone metastatic PC (aged 51-87 years, median – 68.4) T3-4 NxM1 were treated with Zoledronic acid (4 ng iv 15 minutes infusion every 4 weeks) from 4 to 9 months. Pc was diagnosed in all by Tru-Cut Biopsy. In all pts bone scans were performed before and after 4 months of treatment. Additionally PSA, Calcuim serum level, Acid and alkaline phosphatase levels as well as blood count were estimated. Subjective pain was measured in 10 points scale before and every month of treatment.
Results. Increase in PSA was observed in 12 pts (highest 4207 ng/ml). Calcium serum level in all pts was normal. Increase of alkaline phosphatase was observed in 12 pts but acid phosphatase increased in 13 pts. In blood count levels significant decrease in blood plates was observed in 6 pts. Decrease in bone pain from 2 to 7 points was observed in 13 pts. In one pt 2 points increase in pain was observed in time of treatment. In 3 pts bone scan performed 4 months after start of treatment present significant regression on metastases.
Conclusions. After Zoledronic acid treatment pts with bone metastatic PC present significant decrease in bone pain but permanent progression of disease due to PSA increase, acid and alkaline phosphatase increase and decrease in blood plates level. Mortality in observed group was high. From 17 treated with Zoledronic acid 4 pts died (23.5%).