Aleksander Sieroń 1, Artur Pietrusa 2, Michał Szyguła 1, Wiesław Duda 2, Bogusław Wojciechowski 1, Mariusz Adamek 1, Aleksandra Kawczyk-Krupka 1, Wojciech Cebula 1, Witold Zieleźnik 1, Tomasz Biniszkiewicz 1
- 1 Ośrodek Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej Kliniki Chorób Wewnętrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w Bytomiu
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. Aleksander Sieroń
2 SPZOZ Szpital Urologiczny im. Prof. Emila Michałowskiego w Katowicach
Ordynator: dr n. med. Wiesław Duda
bladder, bladder cancer, photodynamic diagnosis, photodynamic therapy
- Fluorescence diagnosis is an innovative diagnostic option based on detection of distinctive fluorescence of normal and pathological tissue. Fluorescent diagnosis can be used in two ways – aurofluorescence diagnosis (LIF – laser induced fluorescence) obtained through fluorescence of endogenous tissue fluorophores after excitation with UV light, and photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) – fluorescence enhanced by previous administration of photosensitizers. Fluorophores selectively accumulate in higher concentration in pathological than in normal tissues. Many compounds are used as photosensitizers: e. g. porphyrins, their derivatives or precursors (as 5-aminolevulinic acid, ALA). Fluorescent diagnosis seems to be a sensitive examination method in patients strongly suspected of neoplasmatic process, not disclosed by standard endoscopic methods. The method can detect very early stages of neoplasm or precancerous lesions. It can be also applied postoperatively. Photodynamic therapy is based on the cytotoxicity of light-activated photosensitizers accumulated in the cancer tissue; it initiates sequential photooxidation of neoplasmatic tissue. Fluorescence procedures in urological practice – photodynamic diagnosis and therapy – are preferably used as adjuvant method after transurethral electroresection of the bladder tumours (stage pT1).
- Short review of basic physical methods, diagnostic devices and hitherto obtained clinical effects of fluorescent therapy was presented.
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- Sieroń A, Szyguła M, Wojciechowski B et al: Photodynamic vs. autofluorescent diagnosis of urinary bladder using Xilix LIFE system. IPA 9th World Congress of Photodynamic Medicine 2003, 20-23 May Miyazaki, Japan. Abstract book: 15.
- Sieroń A, Szygula M, Wojciechowski B et al: A comparison of photodynamic and autofluorescent diagnosis of TCC exploiting Xillix LIFE system. 5 th International Symposium on Photodynamic Diagnosis and Therapy in Clinical Practice. Abstarct book.
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- Sieroń A, Adamek M, Biniszkiewicz T, et al: Proponowane standardy diagnostyki autofluorescencyjnej i fotodynamicznej oraz terapii fotodynamicznej. (Suggested standards of autoflurescent and photodynamic diagnosis and photodynamic therapy) In: Podbielska H (ed.), Sieroń A (ed.), Stręk W (ed.): Diagnostyka i terapia fotodynamiczna. Urban and Partner, Wrocław 2004; 395-397.
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Aleksander Sieroń
Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej ŚAM
ul. Batorego 15
41-902 Bytom
tel. (0 32) 786 16 30...32