Przemysław Adamczyk 1, Romuald Butkiewicz 2, Joanna Nussbeutel 2
- 1 Department of Urology, Municipal Hospital in Toruń
2 Department of Pathomorfology, Municipal Hospital in Toruń
nerka podkowiasta, mięsak typu fibrous histiocytoma, złośliwe guzy nerki
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is very rare type of kidney tumor. It is considered to be "atypical renal tumor", thus classical symptoms like haematuria, pain, temperature is usually not present. Usually first symptoms are pain, and mass in abdomen. The prognosis usually is very poor. Article presents short report of the case with literature review and presents possible ways of following treatment.
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Przemysław Adamczyk
Miejski Szpital Specjalistyczny
Oddział Urologii
ul. Batorego 17/19
87-100 Toruń
tel. (056) 610 02 54