A case of leftside inguinal hernia with complete displacement
of the bladder to the scrotum
Article published in Urologia Polska 1994/47/4.
Ryszard Prędki, Zbigniew Kwias, Józef Traczyk
- Z Kliniki Urologii Akademii Medycznej im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik Kliniki: Prof. dr med. hab. Z. Kwias
- Authors describe a rare case of total displacement of urinary bladder to the left part of the
- scrotum through the inguinal canal (scrotal cystocele) in 55 year old man. Heavy disuria
- described by the patient made diagnosis of slide bladder hernia possible.
- Additional examinations such as urography and uretrocystography showed isolated dis-
- placement of the blader towards the scrotum. During the operation, after isolation of hernia
- sack, the content of the hernia sack was only the bladder. Urinary bladder could easily be
- displaced into retropubic space
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prof. dr hab. med. Zbigniew Kwias
Klinika Urologii
61-833 Poznań, ul. Szkolna 8/12