Jacek Huk, Zenon Wielicki, Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Paradysz
- Z II Katedry i Kliniki Urologii Śl. AM w Zabrzu
Kierownik Kliniki: Prof. dr hab. n. med. M. Fryczkowski
- In the years 1978- 1992 35 children with renal duplication associated with megaureter have
- been described. They were treated surgically and the surgical results were analized in relation to
- sex, age, type of megaureter, type of operation, coexistence of uraemia and general development
- 1. Burbige K.A., Lebowitz R.L., Colodny A.H., Bauer S.B., and Retik A.B.: The megacystis — megaureter syndrom. J. Urol. 1984, 131, 1133- 6. —
- 2. Ehrlich R.M.:The ureteral folding techniąue for megaureter surgery. J. Urol. 1986, 134, 668. —
- 3. Fehrenbaker L.G., Kelalis P.P.,Stickler G.B.: Vesicoureteral reflux and ureteral duplication in children. J. Urol. 1972, 107, 862. —
- 4. Gearhart J.P. and Woolfendon K.A.: The vesico — psoas hitch as an adjunct to magaureter repair in childrenhood. J. Urol. 1982, 127. —
- 5. Johston J.H. and Farkas A.:Reflux in complete duplicated ureters in children: menagement and techniąues. J. Urol. 1972, 107, 862. —
- 6. Krzesko J.\\\\ Zapobieganie nefropatii refluksowej jako przyczyna przewlekłej niewydolności nerek u dzieci. Ped. Pol. 1984, LIX, 9. —
- 7. Parrot Th.S., Woodord J.R.:Ureteral tailoring: A comparision of wedge resection with folding. J. Urol. 1990, 144, 328. —
- 8.Steinharlt G.F.: Reflux nefropathy. J. Urol. 1985, 134, 855-859. —
- 9. Weinstein A.J., Bauer S.B., Retik A.B.: The surgical management of megaureters in duplex system. J. Urol. 1988, 139, 328-31.
II Katedra i Klinika Urologii Śl. AM
41-800 Zabrze, ul. 3-go Maja 13/15