Zenon Wielicki, Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Zofia Krauze-Balwińska, Andrzej Paradysz, Michał Pietrzyk
- Z II Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ¦.A.M. w Zabrzu Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. M. Fryczkowski
- Retrospective analysis of relations and conditions of megaureters operative treatment in 86 children.
- The walue of the operative methods as well as the risk depending on nephropathy, the state of malformation, sex, age, general condition of the child have been estimated.
- 1. Babut J.M., Fremond B., Sameh A., Vidal V.: Primary megaureter in the neonate with prenatal of postnatal diagnosis. Z Kinderchir. 1988, 43, 150. — 2. Braren V., VestJ.C, Boerth R.C.: Management of children with hypertension from reflux or obstructive nephropaty.