Michał Tkocz, Krzysztof Bar
- I Klinika Urologii Śl.A.M. w Katowicach Kierownik: Prof. dr hab. A. Szkodny
- The authors presented 5 patients with penis fracture who were hospitalized in Urological Clinic in Katowice.
- 4 of them were treated operatively by sutures of the tunica albuginea of cavernal corpus. One of them was treated conservatively. In 4 patients, follow-up examinations have been performed. Neither anatomical deformations of the penis nor sexual disfunctions have been found in al of them.
- Patients declared that their sexual functions were correct functions. Accordind to the authors\' opinions, an early stage of penis fracture should be treted operatively.
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I Katedra i Klinika Urologii Śl.A.M.
Ul. Strzelecka 9,
40-075 Katowice