Opolication of neodymium
laser in treatment of condylomata ascuminata. Preliminary communication
Article published in Urologia Polska 1992/45/2.
Krzysztof Bar, Jan Kawecki, Michał Tkocz, Wojciech Szewczyk, Adam Szkodny
- Z I Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ¦l±skiej AM w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. A. Szkodny
- The paper presents the preliminary results of treatment of condylomata acuminata of urogenital organs in the anal area with Medilas 2 neodymium laser. Laser photoradiation was performed in 15 patients: 13 males and 2 females. In 2 patients the procedure had to be repeated, in one of them the lesion was located deeply within the urethra, and in the other, minor recurrences appeared in places formerly not irradiated with laser. It has been pointed out that such photoradiation can be easily performed in outpatient department under local anaesthesia, and that there is a possibility of the procedure to be repeated.
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dr n. med. Krzysztof Bar I Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦l. AM 40-073 Katowice, ul. Strzelecka 9