Eugeniusz Mięko¶, Czesław Pawlak, Waldemar Różański, Marek Pisarski, Antoni Majek, Henryk Lesiewicz, Cezary Zydek
- Z kliniki Urologii ICh WAM w Łodzi Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. E. Mięko¶
- The paper presents the results of treatment with ejatracorporeal lithotripsy using EDAP-LT.01 lithotriptor, of 310 patients having urolithiasis. The majority of concrements ranged from 0.4 to 10 mm in 111 patients, from 11 to 20 mm in 146 patients, from 21 to 30 mm in 21 patients, and from 3ll to staghorn calculi includive in 21 patients. Patients\' age ranged from 6 to 82, including 163 (52.6%) females and 147 (47.4%) males. The paper discusses the procedure of ±ualification for surgery, the surgery itself, and follow up. The results obtained are good. In 217 (70.0°/o) patients after lst operation the crushed concrements were diseharg-ed, and after 2nd operation 258 (83,2%) patients were free of stones. There were few cases of immediate or late complications after treatment,
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prof. dr hab. med. Eugeniusz Mięko¶, Klinika Urologii ICh WAM 90-549 ŁódĽ, ul. Żeromskiego 113.