Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Noga, Wojciech Szewczyk, Andrzej Szedel, Grzegorz Szkodny, Krzysztof Sacha, Maciej Flak, Adam Szkodny
- Z I Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ¦l. AM w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. A. Szkodny
- The results are presented of the treatment of nephrolithiasis in 3807 patients by means of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy. In this group 5240 procedures were carried out without general anaesthesia. The best results were obtained in cases of calculi situated in the renal pelvis, not exceeding 2 cm in diameter. The calculi crushed in the upper and middle calyx were excreted more easily and more rapidly than those in the lower calyx. Better ESWL results were obtained in cases of calculi in the upper part of the ureter, and they became progressively worse with decreasing distance between the calculus and the bladder. It was found that ESWL effectiveness decreased also with increasing size of the calculus. The most fre±uent complications of ESWL were renal colicky pains in 22.5%, fever in 5.1%, „calculus way\" in 2.0%, subcapsular or perirenal haematomas in 0.56%.
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dr n. med. Krzysztof Bar, Klinika Urologii ¦l. AM, 40-073 Katowice, ul. Strzelecka 9