Krzysztof Bar, Adam Szkodny, Andrzej Nowak, Wojciech Szewczyk, Krzysztof £ukoję
- Z I Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ¦l. AM w Katowicach Kierownik Kliniki: prof, dr hab. med. A. Szkodny
- A retrospective analysis is presented of 18 patients treated for pelvic and ureteral neoplasms in the years 1978—1988. They accounted for 0.06% of all patients operated on in that period. Pelvic neoplasms were found in 13 cases and ureteral in 5. Of greatest diagnostic usefulness were Computerized tomography and ureteropyelography. In 4 cases eoexistent bladder tumours were found. Treatment was surgical, one patient died early after the operation, and two died 6 and 8 months after it. Nine patients are alive surviving for 1 to 10 years, mean 3.6 years.
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dr med. Krzysztof Bar, 40-073 Katowice, ul. Strzelecka 9