Krzysztof Bar 1, Dariusz Stępnik 1, Robert Klijer 1, Danuta Skomra 2
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie
Kierownik kliniki: prof. AM dr hab. Krzysztof Bar
2 Zaklad Patomorfologii AM w Lublinie
Kierownik zakładu: prof, dr hab. Elżbieta Korobowicz
urinary bladder, megaureter, bladder exstrophy
- We present the case of a 34-year-old woman admitted to the Clinic of Urology with trauma of the lower part of abdomen and hematuria. A total bladder extrophy was shown during diagnostic procedure. In view of the age and mental status of the patient, we decided on bladder removal and urinary diversion according to Bricker.
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Krzysztof Bar
Klinika Urologii AM
ul. Jaczewskiego 8
20-954 Lublin