The value of the concentration of interleukin-8 in urine in patients with superficial
bladder cancer treated by transurethral electroresection and intravesical chemotherapy Article published in Urologia Polska 2003/56/1.
Marian Bihun 1, Jacek Huk 2, Mieczysław Fryczkowski 2
- 1 Oddzial Urologii Szpitala ¦l±skiego w Cieszynie
Ordynator oddziału: dr Marian Bihun
2 II Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦l±skiej Akademii Medyczne) w Zabrzu
Kierownik kliniki: prof, dr hab. Mieczysław Fryczkowski
urinary bladder, cancer, immunological diagnosis
- Objective. The incidence rate of cancer of the bladder is steadily rising. Incidence rates for men are far higher than those for women. The aim of litis study is to attempt to evaluate assess the value of the concentration of interleukin-8 in urine samples taken from patients with superficial bladder cancer, interleukin-8 serving as a biological marker of the effectiveness of treatment by intravesical chemotherapy.
- Material and method. The study involved 54 patients having superficial bladder cancer (Tis, Tl) without node or organ metastases, exliibiting histological malignancy degrees of G1-G2. Tlie patients\' age ranged from 43 to 88 (an average of 65,5 years). The urinary bladder tumours that had been found were removed by transurethral eleelroreseclion. Surgical treatment was supplemented with intravesical of 50 mg of Adriblastine dissolved in 50 mg of physiological saline. The instillations, lasting 60 minutes each, were repeated for 6 months after the surgery. During the treatment, the concentration of interleukin-8 in urine was determined 4 times - prior to Ihe surgical operation, prior to the first intravesical installation of Adriblastine, after a period of one month after the operation and after the completion of the treatment. A comparative analysis of the groups of the patients with and without a recurrence of bladder cancer, depending upon such factors as age, sex, multiplicity of neoplastic lesions in the bladder, degree of histological malignancy, histological construction of rumour, location in the bladder as well as concurrence with urinary tract infections, showed statistically significant recurrences.
- Results and conclusions. As a non-specific bioniarkcr for superficial bladder cancer, the concentration of interleukin-8 in urine may be a useful measure that precedes a cystoscopic recurrence and allows for the monitoring of treatment after a transurethral electroresection and intravesical infusions of Adriblastine have been performed. The concentration of interleukin-8 in patients with superficial bladder cancer, being treated by transurethral electroresection and intravesical Adriblastine infusion and having no recurrence, shows a statistically significant decrease, compared with patients that have had recurrences. Factors that contribute to a faster decrease in the concentration of inlerleukin-8 in patients without recurrences include a high degree of histopathologic^ tumour malignancy, tumour multifocalization, tumour being located near the bladder or its bottom as well as the female sex of the patient. Interleukin-8 is a biomarker whose specificity in respect of recurrences of superficial bladder cancer equals 97,37% and sensitivity - 62,5%.
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Marian BIAmi
Oddział Urologiczny Szpitala ¦l±skiego
ul. Bielska 4
43-400 Cieszyn