Analysis of the crystalline structure of urinary stones with the use of infrared spectrometry Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/3.
Paweł Porzycki, Jacek Tereszkiewicz
- Oddział Urologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Rzeszowie
Ordynator oddziału: dr Jacek Tereszkiewicz
urolithiasis, urinary tract, infrared spectrometry
- The aim of the study is to estimate the frequency of each type of crystal appearance in urinary stones in patients, treated in Department of Urology between March 1999 and December 2000, and to compare it with the results obtained by other authors.
- Material and method. Infrared spectrometry was used for qualificatrve analysis of urinary stones, removed during operation in 58 men and 44 women. The frequency of each type of crystal appearance was estimated.
- Results. Urinary stone analysis showed the most frequent appearance of monocomponent calculi composed of oxalate and phosphate.
- Conclusions. Our results are some different from these of the literature. The frequency of monocomponent calculi appearance composed of calcium oxalate crystals is similar. Future studies are needed, particularly of the multicomponcnl calculi, with an established mode of delivery of a piece of the stone for analysis.
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Pawel Porzycki
Oddział Urologu Wojcwódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego
ul Szopena 2
35-055 Rzeszów
tel/fax: (0-17)8526192
e-mail: pp@post. pi