Marek Urban, Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Dariusz Stępnik
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik kliniki: prof, dr hab. Krzysztof Bar
penis, curvature, tunica albuginea plication
- Objective. To evaluate our own results in management of congenital penile curvature with the method of tunica albuginea plication with the local access to the tunica.
- Materials and method. In 1999-2000 10 patients (age: 17-25) with congenital penile deviation underwent a surgical correction of a malformation. The angle of the deviation ranged from 30° to 70°, the direction was ventral in 7 cases and lateral in 3. All patients were subjected to the operation of tunica albuginea plication with the modified Essed-Schróder method using 2-6 nonabsorbable inverting interrupted sutures. Longitudinal incision in the place of the greatest curvature on the convex side of the penis was performed. Neither circumeferential incision with denudation nor circumcision was applied. Postoperative examination was performed 10-14 days after surgery and follow-up was from 10 to 16 months.
- Results. A total straightening of the penis was achieved in 7 patients (70%), 3 patients (30%) had insignificant deviation (10°--15°). All patients reported possibility of painless vaginal intromission. Significant penile shortening was not noticed, 5 patients felt small discomfort at the place of palpable sutures. Significant complications were not observed.
- Conclusions. Tunica albuginea plication with the local access to the tunica is a minimal invasive, simple procedure with low risk rate of complications. In treatment of congenital penile curvature this method gives good functional result and good cosmetic effect.
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Marek Urban
ul. Kopernika 6
20-465 Lublin
lel.lfax: (0-81) 742 55 72