Piotr Milecki 1, Grażyna Stryczyńska 1, Tomasz Stachowski 2, Zbigniew Kwias 2
- 1 Zakład Radioterapii, Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii. Poznań Kierownik zakładu: dr n. med. Grażyna Stryczyńska
2 Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu Kierownik katedry: prof, dr med. Zbigniew Kwias
prostate cancer, three dimensional conformal radiotherapy, combined treatment
- The high-dose 3D conformal radiotherapy as one of treatment mode in the localised prostate cancer has been presented, as the generally accepted treatment strategy in this stage of disease has not been established yet. The technological advance in the quality of irradiation (alculating and delivery of dose in the target and organ at risks) thai could be observed in the last few years together with introducing of a new 3D conformal radiation therapy may lead to significant the therapeutic gain. The outcomes of treatment of the prostate cancer in early stage of disease (1-2 NO MO) by applicating the high-dose three dimensional radiotherapy (D CRT) alone are comparable to radical prostatectomy. In the group of patients who refused surgery, radiotherapy is only radical mode of treatment. In advanced stage of disease (T3-4 NO VI 0) combined radiotherapy with hormonotherapy may increase the survival of patients. The postoperative radiotherapy in the group of patients with high risk of local recurrence (pT2/3 NO M 0) also improves outcomes of treatment.
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Piotr Mitecki
Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii Zakład Radioterapii
ul Garbaty 15
tel. 8540-535, 8540-536, kom. 0607-638-442, e-mail: pmileck@wco.pi