Complications accompanying the intravesical instillation of Adriblastyne in the treatment of the superficial bladder cancer Article published in Urologia Polska 2001/54/3.
Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Waldemar Lasota, Adam Szkodny
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM w Lublinie Kierownik kliniki: dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Bar
urinary bladder-superficial, bladder cancer, adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy
- Objective. The aim of the study was the analysis of frequency and kinds of complications which occur after adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy.
- Material and methods. In 1989-1994 the complications occurring in 90 cases of patients (24 women and 66 men) of the age of 24 to 75 treated to the adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy of adriblastyne were analysed prospectively.
- Results. The complications occurred in 43 cases, which was 47,8 per cent. The main complications observed were: the throbocytope-nia in 18 cases (20%) and irritative symptoms in 17 cases (18,9%).
- Conclusions. The adjuvant chemotherapy using adriblastyne caused the thrombocytopenia in quite many cases. This complication was observed especially between the fourth and fifth instillation.
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Krzysztof Bar
Katedra i Klinikti Urologii AM w Lublinie
ul. Dr. Jaczewskiego 8
20-950 Lublin