Value of laparoscopic enucleation in patients with small renal cell carcinoma (RCC) Article published in Urologia Polska 2001/54/1.
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Potyka, Zbigniew Kaletka, Jacek Huk
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii w Zabrzu ¦l±skiej Akadeini Nauk w Katowicach Kierownik Kliniki: prof, drhab. med. Mieczysław Fryczkowski
kidney, RCC, laparoscopy, tumor enucleation
- Purpose. Thanks the technical progress in the last 10 years in radiological diagnosis of the urinary tract diseases, the numbers of accidental diagnosed small RCC (2-3 cm in diameter) systematically increased.
- Objective. The aim of this paper is to show the technique and the early results of laparoscopic enucleation of small RCC.
- Material and methods. In 4 men (average 56 years) we have enucleated la-paroscopically RCC (1.5-2.8 cm). We used the retroperitoneal approach to the kidney to the 3 troacars technique. Laboratory and radiology follow-up was be done average 8 months after surgery.
- Results. The operative time was average 152 min. Hospitalization time 4.7 days and reconvalescency time 9 days after surgeiy. Paraoperativc loss of blood was 92 ml. Histopathological examination allowed to show ca clarocellulare GI-G2 (pTl, NO, MO) in all of them. Niether complications, local recurrences nor metastases did not detected.
- Conclusion. Laparoscopic enucleation for small RCC may be a safe alternative procedure in comparison to the open tumorectomy.
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Mieczysław Fryczkowski
Katedra 1 Klinika Urologii ¦AM ul. 3 Maja 13/15. 41-800 Zabrze