The value of the early excision inguinal lymph nodes in patients with carcinoma of the penis Article published in Urologia Polska 2001/54/2.
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Zenon Wielicki, Jan Plaża, Jacek Huk, Magdalena Krauze Wielicka
- z Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ŚAM w Zabrzu
Kierownik Kliniki: dr Mieczysław Fryczkowski z Oddziału Urologii Szpitala Miejskiego w Tarnowskich Górach Kierownik Oddziału: dr Jan Plaża
penis, cancer, lymyph nodes, early excision
- Objective: The aim of this paper is a retrospective evaluation of bilateral groin lymphadenectomy in patients with carcinoma of the penis.
- Material and method: In 15 patients with carcinoma of the penis confirmed microscopically non enlarged inguinal lymph nodes has been early cut off in the typical method.
- Results: One patient died, remains are in the observation, average 45,4 months. Metastasis of the carcinoma has been detected in the inguinal lymph nodes unilaterally in 5 and bilaterally in 2 operated patients (46,6%). Temporary postoperative complication was observed in 2 (13,2%) patients.
- Conclusion: Early groin lymphadenectomy in patients with carcinoma of the penis (TI-3, NO, MO) permid to recognize presence of metastases in non enlarged inguinal lymph nodes in 46,6% cases. Prognostic 5 years survival time without local and distant metastases was 93,4%.
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