Michał Krawczyński, Zbigniew Kwias, Andrzej Antczak, Roland Dadej, Michał Hrab, Michał Kretkowski
- Klinika Urologii AM w Poznaniu
- Introduction. ESWL is an effective non-invasive treatment for urinari tract calculi. It is the first choice for patients with urolithiasis. We examined the effective and safe aspect for treatment urolithiasis by SW Lithotriptor (Piezolith 3000).
- Patients and methods. We observe 53 patients headed for ESWL Laboratory and treated by ureterolithiasis. The operation was carried out by means of piezoelectric apparatus of Wolf - Piezolith 3000. Each patient got the same number of blows with the same frequency. The strength of the blow was dependent on where the stone was located (superior, middle or inferior ureter) but it was equal for individual locations. The patients were classified to the operation after patient examinations. The operation was carried out in the one day hospitalization and in most of the cases without anesthetic. After operations controls were taken place within the confines of urological clinic. The treatment effectiveness was assessed depending on where the stone was located, its size. We assessed the number of sessions, necessary to the total stones remove, and appearance and kind of complication.
- Results. Effectiveness of the first lithotripsy for stones located in the superior ureter (the average size of calculus was 1 cm) was 70% and in the middle ureter (the average size 0.74 cm) was 75%. 10 patients, with the stone in the upper ureter, and 3 patients, with the stone in the lower part, needed additional treatment of ESWL. In connection with ineffectiveness of ESWL, in 4 case endoscopic operations were done - ureteroscopy with lithotripsy. During operating the complications weren't written down. During postoperative controls, patients reported mainly: renal colic attacks, haematuria, minimal increase of temperature and dysuria.
- Conclusion. Piezolith 3000 is very effective and safe in the treatment of ureterolithiasis.