Michał Hrab, Michał Kretkowski, Michał Krawczyński, Paweł Kalwas, Witold Malendowicz, Zbigniew Kwias
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM w Poznaniu
- Introduction. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common tumor of the kidney. Nowadays there is increase in detection of RCC in younger patient. Although there is significant improvement in visual techniques there is still large number of advanced tumors detections.
- Objectives. The aim of the present study was to compare some of the biochemical parameters in patients operated due to the RCC. There were three groups analyzed - before operation, six days and six months thereafter.
- Materials and methods. Charts of all patients operated on RCC from May 2004 and February 2005 were reviewed. Patients were divided in to three groups Ist before the operation, IInd - six days after the operation and IIIrd - six months after the operation. Morphology, creatinine, iron, cholesterol and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were analyzed.
- Results. 98 patients - 34 (34.61%) women and 64 (65.31%) men were operated on RCC. Average age was 60 years (range 30-81). Statistically significant difference in the levels of creatinine, iron, hemoglobin and cholesterol between the groups were found. Sideropenia and deficiency in morphotic elements six days after the operation were observed (mean HGB 7.2 mmol/l; Fe 7.77 umol/l) and returned to the standard level after six month. Increased level of creatinine was observed in IInd group (mean 118,98 umol/l (range up to 103 umol/l) and it was still present in the group III (mean 108.4 umol/l). The cholesterol was correct in first two groups Ist - mean 5.22 mmol/l and IInd - mean 4.86 mmol/l but in the group III it was increased (mean 5.88 mmol/l). There was no significant difference in LDH levels between the groups.
- Conclusions. The analysis shows that six months after operation of RCC most of the chosen biochemical parameters are within normal limits. The question is, why after such an operation increased level of cholesterol is observed. It may be caused by the change in the life style after the operation.