Michał Kretkowski, Michał Hrab, Michał Krawczyński, Witold Malendowicz, Piotr Cieśliński, Zbigniew Kwias
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM w Poznaniu
- Introduction. Prostate cancer is one of the most common male neoplasms. It is frequently complicated by bone metastases, however some metastatic sites remain rare and unusual. The authors report an exceptional case of prostatic carcinoma presenting with orbital metastasis.
- Objectives. Fifty six year old male patient admitted to the ophtalmologic surgery due to sudden left eye sight disturbances. Clinical examination showed atypical mass of tissue located in the left eye bulb. The patient was admitted to ophtalmological ward where additional examinations were performed.
- Materials and methods. The results of additional examinations and tests showed metastatic tumor located under left eye retina. Elevated total PSA serum level (135.0 ng/ml) and positive (T4) DRE examination were the reasons to perform prostate needle biopsy. The pathological report of the specimen showed the presence of prostate cancer.
- Results. After five months of total androgen blockade, ophtalmological examination indicated total regress of the eye tumor. Serum PSA nadir level (13.8 ng/ml) was observed after nine months of androgen blockade and after that raised to 60.2 ng/ml in January 2006.
- Conclusions. The case indicates that prostate cancer metastases are possible in unusual localizations.