CODE: 13.2 - Efficacy of sildenafil citrate on erectile dysfunction in young men after self-administered anabolic substances Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/Suplement 1.
Roland Dadej 1, Brunon Dadej 2, Zbigniew Kwias 1, Paweł Kalwas 1
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu
2 Poradnia Urologiczna NZOZ Centrum Medyczne HCP w Poznaniu
- Introduction. A large group of young body-builders used to use doping substances to improve athletic performance and musculature. One of the commonest side effects is erectile dysfunction. This condition markedly lowers the quality of life and should be treated urgently.
- Objectives. The efficacy of sildenafil citrate (Viagra(R)) was evaluated in young men with erectile dysfunction caused by usage of self-administered anabolic substances as a doping in body-building, without any medical control.
- Materials and methods. Group of 30 men - body builders with erectile dysfunction, aged 18-33 years old (average 23), who used anabolic substances to improve fitness and musculature mass and strength, without medical indications and without any medical control. The improvement of ED after 3 month pharmacological treatment was evaluated by comparison of the results from International Index of Erectile Function - 5 (IIEF-5), six-points Quality of Life Questionnaire (results: 0 - perfect, 6 - awful) and Quality of Erections Questionnaire (QEQ) (results: 7 - very bad, 35 - perfect). Drug was used in the lowest effective dose with frequency responding to patients' requirements. Patients also estimated general satisfaction from the therapy. (1 - fully satisfied, 5 - dissatisfied). The result data was statistically analyzed.
- Results. Quality of life in the screened group before treatment was average rated on 4.97 (standard deviation 0.75), and after the treatment 1.77 (+/-0.85); IIEF-5 average result in this population before treatment was 14.97 (+/-3.52) and after therapy 20,52 (+/-2.13). The quality of erection was described as 16.90 - average (+/-4.12), and after the treatment 30.39 (+/- 3.27). Satisfaction from the therapy was evaluated on 1.55 (+/-0.72). The improvement of every and each parameter was statistically proved (Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, p<0.001)
- Conclusions. Usage of anabolic substances in sports without medical control and in high doses usually leads to endocrine disturbances. One of the first signs is severe erectile dysfunction. The generally accepted treatment with sildenafil citrate is highly effective and markedly improves quality of life. Screened population didn't need any overdosage of the drug, besides of severe disturbances before pharmacotherapy. Chosen treatment was satisfactory for the patients.