Roland Dadej 1, Leszek Michalak 1, Brunon Dadej 2, Michał Krawczyński 1, Zbigniew Kwias 1
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM w Poznaniu
2 Poradnia Urologiczna, NZOZ Centrum Medyczne HCP w Poznaniu
- Introduction. An endeavor to increase the fitness, body image and athletic performance can be pathologic. The cases of young men using self - administered anabolic steroids to improve the musculature and increase muscular strength are well known. Administration of anabolic agents can lead to failure of the endocrine function and deeply alter the sexual function.
- Objectives. Evaluation of incidence, intensity and character of erectile dysfunction among young men using self - administered anabolic substances as a doping in body and strength building sports.
- Materials and methods. Group of 61 men, between 18 and 33 years old (average 23), practicing body and strength building sports and using anabolic substances without medical control and indications. Anabolics were used to increase the fitness, body image and athletic performance. Taken drugs were similar in all men from the study group. Patients were carefully examined and asked to fill out the International Index of Erectile Function - 5 questionnaire (IIEF-5). Incidence and intensity of erectile dysfunction (ED), time for developing ED from doping initiation, time from the beginning to developing other than ED health problems and time from the ED onset to the medical treatment was evaluated. The results were statistically analyzed.
- Results. Incidence of ED in the screened population was 84% (any degree, IIEF-5 13.67, min. 7, max. 21, std. dev. 3.71). Dysfunction was diagnosed in 51 men, but agreement for further evaluation and treatment was signed by 31. In that group the average result of IIEF-5 was 14.97 (min. 7 - max. 21, std. dev. 3.52). Time from the doping start to ED onset was 5.23 months (min. 1, max. 12, std. dev. 3.40). Other than ED health problems were recognized after 7,06 months (min. 1, max. 20, std. dev. 4.69), time from developing ED to the seeking for the medical treatment was 5 months (min. 1, max. 12, std. dev. 3.4). In spite of ailments induced by the self-administered drugs 17 men still were on doping at the first visit. Erectile dysfunction preceded appearance of the other medical problems on 1.83 months.
- Conclusions. Uncontrolled administration of the anabolics without medical indication deeply alter homeostasis of the organism. Health disturbances develop after several months and erectile dysfunction is the first prognostic factor of the further serious medical problems. ED is very common among the screened group. - is found in more than 8 per 10 men. Intensity of dysfunction is severe in that group. In spite of health problems over half of men is still on doping.