CODE: 3.1 - Multi slices computed tomography with 3D reconstruction of renal calculi as a help in choosing the technique of operating procedure (introductory report) Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/Suplement 1.
Kamil Burzyński 1, Leszek Jeromin 1, Andrzej Prelich 1, Artur Kobielski 2, Marek Lipiński 1, Waldemar Różański 1
- 1 II Klinika Urologii UM w Łodzi
2 Zespół Leczniczo-Diagnostyczny KOPERNIK w Łodzi
- Introduction. The Use of Multi Slices Computed Tomography with 3D reconstruction allows to evaluate precisely structures within the organs. Such evaluation can prove useful to plan the way of treatment.
- Objectives. The aim of this paper was the use of Multi Slices Computed Tomography with 3D reconstruction in the planning of operating technique of kidney renal calculi.
- Materials and methods. Since January 2006, the II Urology Department of Medical University in Łódź has been carrying out analyses of within-the-organ structures of the urinary system with the help of Multi Slices Computed Tomography with 3D reconstruction. We are presenting a patient with bilateral kidney renal calculi. Urography and classical CT analysis were not enough to evaluate spatial distribution of deposits in renal pelvis and calyces. This was the reason why Multi Slices Computed Tomography with 3D reconstruction was used.
- Results. This study allowed to turn the kidneys at the angle of 360° and to evaluate the precise distribution of deposits in renal pelvis and calyces. Apart from the evaluation of the deposits, their shape and size, it was possible to choose the best way to make an incision of the kidney parenchyma and to eliminate random search for the deposits, especially in minor renal calyces.
- Conclusions. 1. 3D reconstruction in Multiple Slices Computed Tomography renders it possible to estimate precisely the distribution of deposits in kidneys. 2. The possibility of evaluating the thickness of kidney parenchyma allows to choose the optimal way to access the deposit.