Konstanty Łoński 1, Krzysztof Bar 2, G. Kostiuk 1, L. Łoński 3
- 1 Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny w Winnicy im. Pirogowa, Katedra Chirurgii Operacyjnej, Ukraina
2 Akademia Medyczna w Lublinie, Klinika i Katedra Urologii AM w Lublinie
3 Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny w Winnicy im. Pirogowa, Katedra i Klinika Urologii, Ukraina
- Introduction. Despite of significant achievements in range of regeneration of urine passability after reconstructive operations executed on ureters this question remains up to the end not untied and demands new researches. Especially it concerns reconstruction of a ureter during its pathology in conditions of a single kidney. There is no doubt, that the most challenging is ureter reconstruction in its lumbar department.
- Objectives. The purpose of our work was assessment of an opportunity to use a part of ureter which drained excised kidney to reconstruct a opposite ureter due to its stenosis of more then 3 cm in length.
- Materials and methods. Researches are executed on animals (10 dogs). Nephrectomy was carried out on one side. On the other side model of a hydronephrosis with the help of Z-type bend of a ureter was accomplished. In 6 months after operation from the side of the removed kidney a part of a lumbar department of the ureter in length from 4 up to 10 cm was taken and kept in warm solution of 0.9% NaCl, and then sewed on ureteric stent instead of removed (Z-type bend) part of ureter on the opposite side. In 2-6 months after operation an excretory urography with 60% solution of triombrast on 3, 5, 7 minutes after introduction of contrast was done. During experiment results of laboratory investigations are monitored.
- Results. All laboratory results, such as morphology, urea and creatinine, analysis of urine, were within normal limits.
- Conclusions. Experiment results enable to use this procedure with the purpose of treatment of people having a single kidney and opposite side ureter after nephrectomy performed due to non-oncologic reasons. The procedure is much easier to carry out in comparison to intestinal plastics, more physiological and does not carry behind itself so many complications.