Władysław Twardosz, Zbigniew Kwias, Cezary Ramlau, Barbara Głuszak, Anna Wachowiak
- Kliniki Urologicznej AM w Poznaniu
Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. med. W. Twardosz
Specjalistyczny Onkologiczny ZOZ im. M. Sklodowskiej-Curie w Poznaniu
Dyrektor: dr med. C. Ramlau
- Authors present the results of surgical and oncological treatment of malignant tumors in urinary bladder. It was found that radiation should be started as soon as possible after surgery. In 43% of patients clinical recurrence was found at the moment of radiation beginning. 79% of patients were treated with assumption of radical radiation. In 60% of them 1-year survival was achieved. Total dose of
- radiation per tumor was 5000—6000 R.
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Klinika Urolog. AM
ul. Długa 1/2
61-848 Poznań