Preoperative estimation of usefulness of PSA and digital rectal examination in correlation with unfavorable prognostic pathological changes occurrence in specimen after radical prostatectomy Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/2.
Krzysztof Bar 1, Robert Klijer 1, Radosław Starownik 1, Lech Wronecki 2, Marek Urban 1, Waldemar Białek 1
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii i Onkologii Urologicznej Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie
2 Katedra i Zakład Patomorfologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie
prostate, prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, PSA, digital rectal examination
- Introduction. Preoperative PSA and digital rectal examination belong to standard examination performed in patients with prostate cancer in order to estimate the degree of clinical stage.
- The aim of the study. The aim of the study is estimation of usefulness of PSA and digital rectal examination with expectation of unfavorable prognostic pathological changes occurrence in specimen after radical prostatectomy.
- Material and method. 96 patients operated from 2000 to 2005 were put to the test. The PSA concentration in blood and digital rectal examination in preoperative period and the occurrence of changes specified as unfavorable prognostic factors in histopathological specimen were compared.
- Results. The most frequent unfavorable prognostic factor which occurred in pathomorphological examination was the low degree of cells differentiation stated in 41.6% of patients. Within the group of patients with lesions affirmed in digital rectal examination seminal vesicles infiltration occurs more frequently.
- Conclusions. Significant differences in prognostic unfavourable changes were statistically stated: 1) summary Gleason ł 7 in patients with PSA concentration above 4 ng/ml, 2) positive surgical margin in patients with PSA above 8 ng/ml and 3) seminal vesicles infiltration in patients with PSA exceeding 12 ng/ml.
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Krzysztof Bar
Klinika Urologii AM
ul. Jaczewskiego 8
20-954 Lublin
tel. (081) 72 44 794