Bogusław Wojciechowski 2, Aleksander Sieroń 1, Michał Szyguła 1
- 1 Ośrodek Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej Katedry i Oddziału Klinicznego Chorób Wewnętrznych i Medycyny Fizykalnej Śl. AM.
Kierownik Ośrodka: prof. dr hab. n. med. A. Sieroń
2 Oddział Urologii Szpitala Miejskiego Nr 1 w Bytomiu
Ordynator: dr n. med. B. Wojciechowski
bladder bladder carcinoma photodynamic therapy
- Objective. In last years we may note an intensive development of treatment
- methods of neoplasmatic diseases based on modern scientific discoveries. One
- of them is termed photodynamic therapy (PDT). It leans on the interaction
- between photosensitizer retained in tissue and laser light, which results in
- cytotoxicity. PDT proved to be useful in the treatment of bladder cancer.
- Patients and method. In the study 10 cases of bladder cancer were analysed.
- Patients were treated in Laser Diagnosis and Therapy Center of Chair and Clinic
- of Internal Deseases and Phisical Medicine of Silesian Medical University. Only
- patients with superficial cancer (no infiltration of tunica muscularis) were
- enrolled into the study.
- Following 2 hours after the instillation of bladder with ALA solution, the
- lesion was irradiated by laser light.
- In order to estimate Pp level within the lesion the bladder was examined by
- XILLIX system allowing detection of Pp fluorescence.
- Results. In nine of ten examined patients regression of bladder tumor was
- shown. In one case a progression of neoplasmatic process was observed and
- therefore cystectomy had to be performed.
- Conclusions. Photodynamic therapy in connection with other method may
- provide in short-time follow-up good results in bladder cancer treatment.
- It is necessary to continue observation of patients to observe late effects of
- photodynamic therapy.
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