Article published in Urologia Polska 2000/53/1.
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Potyka, Jacek Huk, Wojciech Malottki
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii Śl. A. M. w Zabrzu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. M. Fryczkowski
laparoscopy kidney cysts
- Objective. The aim of this paper is to analizę results after retroperitoneal
- decortication of kidney cysts (RDKC).
- Material and method. In the period between 1997-1999 years, 13 patients were
- laparoscopically operated on (including 2 patients with AD PKD). In case of 7
- patients it was simple decortication, while in next 6 had an additional argon
- knife coagulation of the remnant part of cystis mucose. As before, so after
- surgery the kidney blood flow was measured with usg - using colour Doppler
- method.
- Results. No one of patients has had the recurrency of cyst. Pain disappeared
- in 85% patients. Kidney blood flow improved in 75% of the investigated
- patients in average of 9%. Average hospitalization time was 4.2 days, surgery
- time 131 min, and reconvalescency time 9 days without any complications.
- Conclusions. RDKC is a safe method which allows us to shorten hospitalization
- and reconvalescency time as well, as allows a thrifty application of antibiotics
- and analgetics. The simple like the expanding method of RDKC, gives the same
- results.
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