Article published in Urologia Polska 1999/52/4.
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Potyka, Jacek Huk, Zbigniew Kaletka
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦AM w Zabrzu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. M. Fryczkowski
retroperitoneoscopic ? children ? cirrhotic kidney, retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy
- The aim of this paper there is the retrospective analisis results
- of retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy (RN) in children with unilateral cirrhotic
- kidney.
- Material and methods. In the period of 1996-1999 we operated on 15
- children. There was 11 girls and 4 boys at the avarage age of 11. In all of
- them pre-operation renal scyntygraphy showed the decrease of kidney
- function till 1-17% in operated kidney The follow up period was 16 months
- 3-36
- Results. All children had good RN results without any significant
- complications. The average operating time was 107 min., hospitalization time-
- 4.2 days and reconvalescency time 10 days.
- Conclusion. RN in children with cirrhotic kidney is safe and not so
- traublesome and burening to children. The laparoscopic procedure behind
- the good cosmetic results, shortens the hospitalization and reconvalescency
- time reduce the doses of antibiotics, analgetic drugs and blood.
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